Eddie Mills-Missionary to China

Brother Eddie Mills will be with us on Sunday morning, January 5, 2020 to share the progress of his work in China.

Services as Normal

Our Sunday morning Bible Study, Sunday School and Worship Services will continue as normal this week.  Visitors are welcome-Members expected!

Live Streaming Today

Happy Easter! Today we will be Live Streaming our services until this Present Distress passes.  Please continue to join our expository study on the Book of Romans with Brother Jonathan Wheatley.  Class outlines will be available to download from this


We will continue Livestreaming Bible Study and Preaching until we are confident that this "Present Distress" has passed and the health risk to our membership has been reduced.  We look forward to the time we can join together in person.

Patriotic Sunday

On Sunday, June 28, 2020 we will celebrate our great country with Patriotic Music and Preaching.  Dress is casual ( USA T-Shirts, Jeans).  Come and celebrate our Liberty and Freedom we have in Christ Jesus and in the U.S.A.!